looking at my blog now ( it's now almost 2014) i realize there are a few blog updates i forgot to post, so anything i might post about summer and relaxing is from last year which i forgot to post. oops!!
Sunday, 29 December 2013
summer is finally here!!!
i am excited that the sun is now shining at Saskatoon! after a whole year of learning , i finally have time to relax. no more dance classes, no more school classes! my ( favourite ) cousins are here from Winnipeg. this morning we are going to the park, yay!!!! the last time they came was when it was our long lasting winter, we also went to the park then too. we will probably play our usual game of tag. i love my cousins!! not in the "mushy-gushy" way, but in the "i'm glad your here" way. well, i better be off to the park, my sister is getting pretty anxious to go.
looking at my blog now ( it's now almost 2014) i realize there are a few blog updates i forgot to post, so anything i might post about summer and relaxing is from last year which i forgot to post. oops!!
looking at my blog now ( it's now almost 2014) i realize there are a few blog updates i forgot to post, so anything i might post about summer and relaxing is from last year which i forgot to post. oops!!
special shout-out!!!!!!
this is a special shout-out to ( sadly) my one and only follower. there are more people reading my blog but she is the only one actually commenting and following. thank-you so much to mennowomencanada.blogspot.com and my own grandmother; Oma A.K.A Liz Koop.

your so awesome!!!
long live the dandelion!!!!!!

merry christmas to all and a happy new year. dear readers, i am sorry i did not write a Christmas blog update.
this is blog update is for how to write a book (mostly a novel) and advice from me. i write novels and books a lot.
step 1. choose your type of book. ( mystery, comedy, adventure, romance )
step 2. plan your five W's and one H. ( who, what, when, where,why, and how)
step 3. plan out your book. ( what happens when, why and where)
step 4. start writing
it is never good to just start writing one day after not writing for a long time. if you don't finish the story in one day, the next time you start writing you might write different than when you started. so it is always good to reread what you have written already.
please post your short/long stories on this blog in the comment spot so i can read it! thank-you for reading!!
this is blog update is for how to write a book (mostly a novel) and advice from me. i write novels and books a lot.
step 1. choose your type of book. ( mystery, comedy, adventure, romance )
step 2. plan your five W's and one H. ( who, what, when, where,why, and how)
step 3. plan out your book. ( what happens when, why and where)
step 4. start writing
it is never good to just start writing one day after not writing for a long time. if you don't finish the story in one day, the next time you start writing you might write different than when you started. so it is always good to reread what you have written already.
please post your short/long stories on this blog in the comment spot so i can read it! thank-you for reading!!
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writing on pen and paper! |
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typing and writing on a computer! |
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typing on a old style typewriter! |
Saturday, 5 October 2013
halloween poem
H: hilarious costumes roam the night
A: as stars soar through the night,witches on brooms begin to take flight
L: lot's of people, together in groups
L: lot's of costumes, pointy noses, coloured masks,and big feet
O: oh, how many people saying trick-or-treat
W: wonderful,wacky,weird, hat's
E: elephants,snakes,bat's and black cat's
E: everyone knows to beware of the night
N: no one wants to be left out, what a bad fright!!!!
A: as stars soar through the night,witches on brooms begin to take flight
L: lot's of people, together in groups
L: lot's of costumes, pointy noses, coloured masks,and big feet
O: oh, how many people saying trick-or-treat
W: wonderful,wacky,weird, hat's
E: elephants,snakes,bat's and black cat's
E: everyone knows to beware of the night
N: no one wants to be left out, what a bad fright!!!!
halloween is a day to be creative, unique, and spooky with your costume. most schools don't allow spooky costumes, gruesome mask's, weapons, or blood. i think that is a very good idea because is still little kids in schools that can get very freaked out after seeing those types of costumes. it is good to have a nice half-half point of scary and nice. these are some grade appropriate costumes.
kindergarten: princess,funny clown,firefighter,policeman,fairy,mermaid
grade 1: funny clown,farmer,cartoon character(bob the builder e.t.c),princess, funny furry monster,or someone from sesame street.
grade 2: clown,cartoon character,someone from your favourite movie, disney character.
grade 3: clown,red riding hood, dorothy of the wizard of oz(or someone from the wizard of oz), vampire, magician,policeman,firefighter
grade 4: disney character, favourite pop star,singer,someone from your favourite tv show
grade 5: 60's/70's/80's girl/boy,person from wild west,singer, gypsy
grade 6: cleopatra,someone from ancient egypt, god/goddess from ancient greece, monster,animal,zombie,vampire,ghost.
grade 7: favourite singer/actor/comedian, monster, someone from a little kids cartoon (FUNNY!!!!), what you wanna be when you grow up.
grade 8: clown, monster,vampire, book,what you wanna be when you grow up.
these costumes you don't have to use, i just wrote them here for idea's,but if you do end up using one of them(or more!!!!) please post a picture on my blog and write some comments, so i can see how you look in the costumes.
that's all for now;
kindergarten: princess,funny clown,firefighter,policeman,fairy,mermaid
grade 1: funny clown,farmer,cartoon character(bob the builder e.t.c),princess, funny furry monster,or someone from sesame street.
grade 2: clown,cartoon character,someone from your favourite movie, disney character.
grade 3: clown,red riding hood, dorothy of the wizard of oz(or someone from the wizard of oz), vampire, magician,policeman,firefighter
grade 4: disney character, favourite pop star,singer,someone from your favourite tv show
grade 5: 60's/70's/80's girl/boy,person from wild west,singer, gypsy
grade 6: cleopatra,someone from ancient egypt, god/goddess from ancient greece, monster,animal,zombie,vampire,ghost.
grade 7: favourite singer/actor/comedian, monster, someone from a little kids cartoon (FUNNY!!!!), what you wanna be when you grow up.
grade 8: clown, monster,vampire, book,what you wanna be when you grow up.
these costumes you don't have to use, i just wrote them here for idea's,but if you do end up using one of them(or more!!!!) please post a picture on my blog and write some comments, so i can see how you look in the costumes.
that's all for now;
Friday, 4 October 2013
first day jitters
even going into an older grade this year, i still got the first day jitters. Adam, starting his first full year at school, was probably pretty scared too, as well as Emily. Eoin probably didn't feel anything at all. are the first day jitters real, or something your mind creates? when i was younger my mom told me(and still does) jitters are butterflies in your stomach, but now that i am older i wonder where that catchphrase started from. i looked it up on WIKIPEDIA and found it was sort of gross to think about, but i might as well inform you, rather then leave you hanging on the question. the catchphrase "butterflies in the stomach" means a fluttery feeling in your stomach. scientifically it is caused by a reduction of blood-flow to the organ. Anyway, you can look up more info on butterflies in your stomach later on WIKIPEDIA.
that's all for now;
Thursday, 18 July 2013
important lesson of the past week( maybe two weeks)
as most of you, or all of you readers know, my sister Emily is in competitive gymnastics. last friday( the twelfth) / saturday ( the thirteenth) my sister worked super hard and got many new skills, but in return for her getting new skills, her leg started to really hurt. she started complaining it hurt. often at nights she would need a hot water bottle to help ease the pain. one day we went to my grandparents farm, my mother knew my grandparents had tensor bandage, so she asked if we could borrow it. they said yes. so a few days later i asked her to create a dance with me. after i asked i realized that she probably could not do any of the fancy tricks we would often create together. when i was about to say, " oh yeah, your leg hurts." then walk off, but Emily said, " sure Anna, but maybe we should take it easy. and not have too hard or difficult moves" i agreed and we both found music we liked, or as Emily would probably say;"Anna choose different songs and i got to chose from them."
all of that made me think of "don't let your injuries get in the way of what you want to do", or "don't let your injuries take hold of you".
thats all for now;
Saturday, 8 June 2013
crazy weather
here in Saskatoon the weather has been pretty crazy! for a few hours it will be sunny, then boom! it's raining again. as i am writing this post, it is raining like crazy! my sister has an outdoor soccer game today. she's going to get soaked.i wish it would stay sunny for a while instead of raining, but the rain is good for the plants. my family's little flower garden is going to get drenched/flooded. i hope our little flowers aren't becoming completely destroyed!
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Saturday, 18 May 2013
best friends
recently, well just yesterday actually, i visited my best friend nikta. i went to her house and we had lot's of fun. my sister has a fair share of best friends too. as well as my brother. i thought back to the time when we had a little fight about something silly, that i laugh at now. then i realized how friends are such an important thing in life. i thought of it this way, if they weren't there; who would you laugh with at school? if they weren't there;who would talk to you, or help you with work at school? see if you didn't have friends, your life would be pretty bad. think of that when you go to school and be thankful you have a best friend, and how lucky you are that you have a friend who is always there for you.
all for now
all for now
Sunday, 12 May 2013
happy mother's day to all the mother's out there!
i just wanted to wish every mother who is reading this blog a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!
to my own mom, you rock!
check back later for more new posts please!
to my own mom, you rock!
check back later for more new posts please!
Saturday, 11 May 2013
Eoin, the tumbler
Eoin is my youngest brother, but probably the most fearless of the us kids at the age of 2. he doesn't mind getting his hands dirty while playing in our sandbox with Adam, or jumping in puddles with sneakers on. he is pretty much just like Adam, but adam does have a small fear of being alone, in the dark, at night, with out mom. Eoin falls almost 2 times a day, but it doesn't affect his fondness of running,jumping,somersaulting, or trying to flip, like his second eldest sister Emily. he often tries to try new tricks like rolling of the end of a bed, falling down the side of a couch, sitting on an arm from our couch then flipping over it,new gymnastic moves emily shows us, or just trying out new difficult hip-hop moves adam learns. even though he has many a injuries per day, he doesn't let the pain stop him from having fun, and being plain out wild. people say his almost daily injuries are just part of being the age of 2 ( terrible two's) but i personally believe in terrible two's. the kids are probably being crazy, mean or rude because they want something, or need something. his personality is, well; he is 2 so he is still developing a personality so i will do my best to write what he is right now. he is energetic, speedy,sneaky, and lively. ( my oma [ that is grandma in German] and opa [ that is grandpa in German] helped with these adjectives too.) he is so sneaky. once we were in a hotel in Yorkton. about ten minutes after we got there i realized Eoin had tossed my sandal in the toilet. i was so grossed out at the time i screamed for mom. after though we laughed a lot at it. i begged mom to wash it, or i would never wear that sandal again. i don't feel so grossed out at it though anymore, now i just laugh at it.
that's all for now!
that's all for now!
adam, hip-hop specialist
i started dancing first, but this year my little 5 year old brother adam wanted to join in the fun too. i have been dancing for three years, but this was adams first year. he has always been doing little moves, he calls them break dancing.this year he entered hip-hop at the same studio i do jazz, ballet, and open at. brenda's school of baton and dance.( BSOBAD) at first it sort of angered me, after all i did start dancing first. but now i am OK with it. i am just happy that were both happy doing dance. i hope he decides to do dance again next year, because his hip-hop group is so cute! there are four boys, and three girls in his little kid hip-hop class.he is in french kindergarten. he is a little afraid of kindergarten and is a mommy's boy. his personality is a little shy when he meets new people but gradually get's better( though with me is never nervous to call me a toilet in french!) , hilarious, enthusiastic, and is a strong boy.
that's all for know!
that's all for know!
emily, the elastic band
while i think that gymnastics is a very good sport for my sister, i am always worried she will injure her self. falling of the 3 foot beam while doing back walk-over's or slipping off the high bars, while doing a kip ( according to her, a kip is where you stand on a box, then jump to the bar, touch your toes to the bar, then push your self up on the bar). the name emily, the elastic band came from a few weeks ago when we made a circus together. she was the amazing acrobat: the elastic band. it sort of just fit her. so now i call her elastic emily. she likes it a lot. she is always wanting to show her new gymnastic skills to everyone she meets, her personality is bright,bouncy, and bubbly! don't forget very stretchy! she goes to gymnastics three times a week, for three hours. i am surprised she is not tired! she always has time to make awesome dances with me, when she has the time. including a zombie one where she was pretending to have a boyfriend who's a zombie. i was a regular zombie girl convincing her he would eat her up. fun times! she dabbles in singing, and writing in french. she is in grade two french immersion.
that's all for now
that's all for now
welcome to our blog!
my name is anna. i am eleven. i have one sister who is 8, and two brothers. one is 6 and the other one is 2. my dad is a truck driver, and my mom is a stay at home mom. i am a dancer, so is my 5 year old brother; adam. my 8 year old sister, emily is in competitive gymnastics, and my youngest brother, eoin ( pronounced owen) is already showing talent in tumbling and summersaulting.
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