recently, well just yesterday actually, i visited my best friend nikta. i went to her house and we had lot's of fun. my sister has a fair share of best friends too. as well as my brother. i thought back to the time when we had a little fight about something silly, that i laugh at now. then i realized how friends are such an important thing in life. i thought of it this way, if they weren't there; who would you laugh with at school? if they weren't there;who would talk to you, or help you with work at school? see if you didn't have friends, your life would be pretty bad. think of that when you go to school and be thankful you have a best friend, and how lucky you are that you have a friend who is always there for you.
all for now
Hi Anna, I think friends are important, too. Not just when you're growing up but also when you're grown up. I have a number of 'best friends' and I can't imagine life without them. Brothers and sisters can be best friends, too, even though they may be older or younger. Did you know that when I was growing up I had 4 sisters and 5 brothers? That's a lot, eh? Now that one sister and two brothers have died there are only 7 of us left. I am very thankful for my brothers and sisters. Hope you're having a good day! Love you, Oma