Friday, 4 October 2013

first day jitters

even going into an older grade this year, i still got the first day jitters. Adam, starting his first full year  at school, was probably pretty scared too, as well as Emily. Eoin probably didn't feel anything at all. are the first day jitters real, or something your mind creates? when i was younger my mom told me(and still does) jitters are butterflies in your stomach, but now that i am older i wonder where that catchphrase started from. i looked it up on WIKIPEDIA and found it was sort of gross to think about, but i might as well inform you, rather then leave you hanging on the question. the catchphrase "butterflies in the stomach" means a fluttery feeling in your stomach. scientifically it is caused by a reduction of blood-flow to the organ. Anyway, you can look up more info on butterflies in your stomach later on WIKIPEDIA.
that's all for now;

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anna,
    How long did the "butterflies in your stomach" last? Just the first day? We use some interesting expressions, don't we? I hope you're doing well in school. I'm impressed with your writing style. I'm sure your teachers are, too! I saw on the weather station that you are having some cold weather already. Any snow yet? The past few weeks we have had summer like weather - 24 degrees and sunny. Now it is raining and will be colder soon. Say hi to everyone at your house! Love you! Oma
