Sunday, 29 December 2013

summer is finally here!!!

i am excited that the sun is now shining at Saskatoon! after a whole year of learning , i finally have time to relax.   no more dance classes, no more school classes! my ( favourite ) cousins are here from Winnipeg. this morning we are going to the park, yay!!!! the last time they came was when it was our long lasting winter, we also went to the park then too. we will probably play our usual game of tag. i love my cousins!! not in the "mushy-gushy" way, but in the "i'm glad your here" way. well, i better be off to the park, my sister is getting pretty anxious to go.

looking at my blog now ( it's now almost 2014) i realize there are a few blog updates i forgot to post, so anything i might post about summer and relaxing is from last year which i forgot to post. oops!!

special shout-out!!!!!!

this is a special shout-out to ( sadly) my one and only follower. there are more people reading my blog but she is the only one actually commenting and following. thank-you so much to and my own grandmother;  Oma A.K.A Liz Koop.
your so awesome!!! 
long live the dandelion!!!!!!


merry christmas to all and a happy new year. dear readers, i am sorry i did not write a Christmas blog update. 

this is blog update is for how to write a book (mostly a novel) and advice from me. i write novels and books a lot. 
step 1. choose your type of book. ( mystery, comedy, adventure, romance )
step 2. plan your five W's and one H. ( who, what, when, where,why, and how)
step 3. plan out your book. ( what happens when, why and where)
step 4. start writing

it is never good to just start writing one day after not writing for a long time. if you don't finish the story in one day, the next time you start writing you might write different than when you started. so it is always good to reread what you have written already. 
please post your short/long stories on this blog in the comment spot so i can read it! thank-you for reading!!

writing on pen and paper!

typing and writing on a computer!
typing on a old style typewriter!